Essentials of electrocardiography is designed to help you understand the fundamental knowledge and skills necessary to successfully perform an ECG. Its concise yet comprehensive coverage includes instruction on the anatomy of the heart, electrophysiology of the heart, and ECG basics. To prepare you for completing ECGs in the field, a combination of introductory cardiovascular anatomy, relationships of other body systems to heart health, need-to-know legal and ethical considerations, patient assessment techniques, instructions on how to complete and document ECGs, and basic interpretation of the ECG tracing are included.
What is the difference between EKG and ECG? There is no difference between an ECG and an EKG. Both refer to the same procedure, however one is in English (electrocardiogram – ECG) and the other is based on the German spelling (elektrokardiogramm – EKG).
This program is recognized by NHA.
No Course Prerequisites
Course Recommendation: Electronic Device with access to the Internet
Please scroll through the entire web page as many of the frequently asked questions are answered below. Also, please refer to the Resources section at the bottom of the webpage for more valuable information. If you still are in need of additional assistance, please call the Continuing Education office at 432.335.6580 or email us conted@dcvg-cn.com.
Want to know the ECG Career Outlook?
United States Department of Labor: Bureau of Labor Statistics – Cardiovascular Technicians
To make our programs more beneficial for students, the Textbooks, Supply Fees, and the Exam Voucher are included in the tuition!
By packaging these items into the tuition students can now have these items covered by grant and scholarship funds for a lower out of pocket expense.
We also have payment plans available so you can get started training for your new career sooner!
Have enrollment questions? Please call our office at 432.335.6580 or email at conted@dcvg-cn.com.
Course Info: (Odessa)
- Duration: 8 Weeks
- Class Size: 7 Min/14 Max
- Cost: $850 (Includes Textbook and Testing Fee)
- Down payment: $240
- Hours: 40 Classroom Hours; there is an online component to this course
- NHA Accredited
- Major Code: N/A, CIP 51.0302
Adult EVENING Classes:
- Classroom/Skills Lab – TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
- March 17th, 2025 - May 8th, 2025
- 25/Q3 ECRD 1011 103
- May 12th, 2025 - July 1st, 2025
- 25/Q3 EMSP 1050 104
- March 17th, 2025 - May 8th, 2025
What do I need to register?
Call the Continuing Education Office at 432-335-6580 to enroll or send inquiries to conted@dcvg-cn.com.
No Complio account, CPR, or Scrubs required for this course.
*Course offerings are subject to restrictions and/or guidelines issued by local, state, and national government entities in response to pandemics, evacuations, natural disasters, inclement weather events, or any other circumstance that may affect the school’s ability to hold class. This may include damage to buildings, equipment failure, technology failures, or any safety concerns that may develop. Classes, courses, and/or programs may be moved, postponed, or cancelled as Odessa College deems necessary to remain operational and in compliance with such restrictions or guidelines. Students should refer to Blackboard or reach out to their instructor for further direction. Classes will mostly likely resume in an online format until otherwise notified.
- CPR Website
- Testing Center, TSI 2.0 Testing at Home visit this link.
- Continuing Education Scholarship Form (W2 or 2 pay stubs must be submitted with Application)
- TPEGGrant Information and link to complete FAFSA
- Workforce Solutions Permian Basin website and Flyer to Apply to Workforce
- Casa De Amigos
- Health Insurance Options
- Odessa College Bookstore
- Odessa College Campus Map
- Change Demographic & Contact Information Form
- How to set up your Cengage account through Blackboard
- Cengage Mobile App Flyer
- School Immunizations Exemption Informationfrom Texas HHS
- Have questions pertaining to Convictions Barring Employment?
- Additional assistance with food, housing, healthcare, etc. please email cares@dcvg-cn.com.
*Course offerings are subject to restrictions and/or guidelines issued by local, state, and national government entities in response to pandemics, evacuations, natural disasters, inclement weather events, or any other circumstance that may affect the school’s ability to hold class. This may include damage to buildings, equipment failure, technology failures, or any safety concerns that may develop. Classes, courses, and/or programs may be moved, postponed, or cancelled as Odessa College deems necessary to remain operational and in compliance with such restrictions or guidelines. Students should refer to Blackboard or reach out to their instructor for further direction. Classes will mostly likely resume in an online format until otherwise notified.